Yeah, you heard me, Brian Williams from NBC Nightly News is a cool parent when it comes to music. If this talking suit news anchor can keep up with new music then you certainly shouldn't have any excuses. Check out his indie music video blog, Britunes.
On the nightly newscast about the closest you get to emotion from this 51 year old, married father of two is an arched eyebrow. Good luck reading into his different eyebrow emotes when trying to decipher a personality. Sure he pops up on the Daily Show or Saturday Night Live once in a while but those are still scripted. With Britunes you get to see a different side of him, and I don't think this is a ploy to hip him and the newscast up, I'm pretty sure it's just something that he's passionate about. So far he's interviewed Danger Mouse, Julian Casablancas from the Strokes, Deer Tick, Great Lake Swimmers...These are all bands that I love and that definitely fall left of the dial. His playlist includes Mos Def, She & Him, Fanfarlo, Interpol, Florence and the Machine, The Republic Tigers...all bands that would induce of the "pleated Dockers pants sweater tucked in U.S Open hat even though I wasn't there and even if I was why do I have a hat from there wearing" crowd, an instant spit take of their cold fusion lite amsteled ultra less caloried beer into the face of the "Skinny Jean fixed gear colored rim bike riding skateboard helmet wearing because regular bike helmets definitely don't look cool I liked that band when they were good waaaay before that news anchor guy liked them has anyone seen my other mismatched knee high sock that makes me look like maybe I'm in the rollerderby" crowd.
So remember, if Brian Williams can stay in touch with great music, then so can you.
Also, Dan Harris from ABC news has a indie rock video blog but I'm not sure if he's a parent or not. check it here Amplified.
Watch his interview with David Cross after the jump
For the music fan who falls somewhere between "skinny jeans" and "dockers". Do you listen to the Talking Heads and Peter Gabriel for the 13,675th time on your local radio station just in hopes of hearing the new Black Keys song? Then we can help. Do you have to Google bands that are on Yo Gabba Gabba? Then you can be saved. When people ask what new music you're digging, are the only songs that come to mind "the one from that commercial"? Then we'll point you in the right direction.
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