Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tiny Lounge & MFP Tonight

Don't forget that tonight is the first MFP night out.  I'll be playing music at the Tiny Lounge in Lincoln Square from 9p - 1a.  Notice I didn't say "spinning" music?  Yeah, It's not going to be a 25 and under sweaty dance party so stop practicing your moonwalks, robots and worm on the floor dance moves.  You won't be hearing two turntables and a couple Macs mixing together 8 different songs and genres ironically like...
Girl Talk - "Hands in the Air"

OK, I may sneak a little bit of that in but I doubt you'll notice it, very subtle.
Instead I'll be playing a lot of music you're reading about and listening to here.  I'm not going to have any Lollapollooza tickets for this weekend to give away, but you will be hearing a lot of music from Lolla artists.  There aren't any drink specials. but you don't go to a place like Tiny to get a bucket of beers.  right? Instead you'll get some of the best cocktails in the city prepared by some of the best bartenders in Chicago, a well thought out wine list, a discerning taste beer selection and some really good food.  So head on out, say hello, bust up those dog days of Summer and enjoy some refreshingly new Summer music.

And yes, you can be a fan of this blog even if you aren't a parent.  Especially if you're a recently peg-legged Chicago ex-pat living in the middle of the Aegean Sea with an Afghani jewelry expert and working with foreign exchange students.  Yeah, I'm talking to you EN.

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