Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Update: The Arcade Fire/MP3/Lumberjack song/Lolla/live video @MSG NYC

Last week I gave you Arcade Fire's The Suburbs as my album of the week and I said it would be the indie rock album of the summer.  I was wrong.  It's the rock album of the summer as it comes in at #1 on the Billboard charts after it's first week.  Nice job masses.

I also gave you the heads up a while ago from Twitter (@musicforparents) to check out their show at Madison Square Garden being streamed live on Youtube and Directed by Terry Gilliam.  I didn't want to watch it because I knew that I would be seeing them at Lollapolooza and I wanted to be surprised by their show.  The Lolla show was great, the sound was a little off but it still was amazing.  They aren't all wearing a suit and tie like the first time I saw them at Lolla in '05, and they don't have the elaborate stage production and antics like the last show I saw them perform at The Chicago Theater.  Instead they are more focused on the music, they still have a cool video happening behind them and they still move all over the stage but it really seems like they are "feeling" the music now more than ever.
Check out the MSG show here.  btw-the video looks amazing, at Lolla I was on the side up front and moved to the back center but missed a lot apparently after watching these videos.  I didn't know my computer screen could look so good.

Here is the song they started their set with, it's from the new album:
Arcade Fire - "Ready to Start"

If you want to watch the set in proper order here is the set list:
“Ready To Start”
“Neighborhood #2 (Laika)”
“No Cars Go”
“Empty Room”
“The Suburbs”
“Crown Of Love”
“We Used To Wait”
“Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)”
“Rebellion (Lies)”
“Month Of May”
“Keep The Car Running”
“Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)”
“Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)”
“Wake Up”

Also, I'm not sure how much influence Terry Gilliam had in the directing of the concert but it definitely was nothing like this video


  1. Sunday night was an awesome show on a lot of levels. Saw them during their first trip to Chicago at Logan Square Auditorium, they also played the Bottle that trip. It can't get any better than mixing AF and Monty Python.

  2. Wow, nice job DJBV (, that would have been awesome to see them at Logan Auditorium! I've only seen them on the big stage and that probably isn't going to change anytime soon. Yeah, monty python, i couldn't decide b/w the spam song or the lumberjack song. and I'm pretty sure that Terry Gilliam plays the naked guy playing piano is some episodes but i couldn't find any clips of that.
