Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photos/Kids @ Pitchfork

What a great weekend of music, some hits, some misses, some disappointments, some revelations.  An excellent job by all the Music for Parents peeps getting the kids out, I saw a big showing from infants to preteens enjoying the music and a day out with their parents in the park.  Remember, the point of this blog isn't to suggest that you completely blow off children's events like Wiggleworms, Little Miss Ann or any other children's related music programs.  The point is to not forget about yourself and your ears.  You can still enjoy "parent" music, have fun and expose your kids to something a little different at the same time.

As a fan of music it's great to go back to your favorite artists but it's even better when you discover a new favorite artist.  Pitchfork is considered one of the best and most respected indie music fests in the world and can be intimidating to some parents.  It shouldn't be, it's very accommodating and the crowd was very well behaved, more interested in listening to music than causing trouble.  So get out to a music fest this summer with your kids and enjoy the shared experience.

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